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The Difference Between Spyware and Viruses

(Submited by: Kara Glover)

Feel free to reprint this article in newsletters and on websites, with resource box included. If you use this article, please send a brief message to let me know where it appeared: Word Count = 420 Word Wrapped to 60 characters per line URL: Date of copyright: May 2005 The Difference Between Spyware and Viruses by Kara Glover ... Read article

Spyware attacks! Windows Safe Mode is no Longer Safe.

(Submited by: Kevin Souter)

Spyware and viruses are getting craftier. New methods allow them to boot up even when the user attempts to use safe mode; making them extremely hard to remove. Many of us have run into an annoying and time-consuming error: With your machine running goofey you decide to run a scan for trojans and spyware. Following the scan, which usually takes forty minutes or longer if you scan the entire system, you are hit with the "access denied" error. Frustrating, for sure, but being the savvy ... Read article

Are They Watching You Online?

(Submited by: Jim Edwards)

When surfing the Internet you probably take your anonymity for granted, most of us do. Tapping phones, listening to confidential conversations, reading others' e-mail messages seems like something that only happens in spy movies to "other" people. However, you probably don't realize just how much information about yourself has the potential to get transmitted across the Internet every time you go online. Every computer connected to ... Read article

6 Ways To Prevent Identity Theft

(Submited by: Gary Gresham)

These six ways to prevent identity theft offer you valuable tips against the fastest growing crime in America today. In 2004, more than 9.9 million Americans fell victim to many types of identity theft scams, costing them nearly $5 billion. Their finances were severely hurt because they never thought it would happen to them. Hopefully, this article will help many of you so you won't become a new victim of this terrible crime. Here are six ways to prevent identity ... Read article

Keeping it Clean: Virus Removal Basics

(Submited by: John Lenaghan)

The day you learn your computer is infected with a virus or spyware is a lonely yet aggravating day. Youll be angry that you fell victim, and may feel helpless because of your lack of knowledge about virus removal or pc repair. But dont worry - youre not alone! Unfortunately, youre actually part of a club of tens of thousands of people who feel the same way every day! According to AVG, virus protection usually doesnt detect adware or spyware both of which can wreak havoc on a ... Read article

Protect Your System From the Internet Evils

(Submited by: Daniel Punch)

Ads, Spyware and Popups: the Internet is an aggressively commercial place. Internet marketing is hugely profitable; owners of frequently visited websites can make a reasonable living just off a few banner ads placed on their site. Software was quickly developed that would attempt to block these ads from loading and being displayed leaving the Internet free from irritants so the user could just view the information that they were after. Not surprisingly the Internet fought back with ads ... Read article

Is the internet insecure because of You?

(Submited by: Steve Cash)

Copyright 2005 Private Mail Services Long gone are the days that we could feel secure and know for certain that we had privacy. With the digital age upon us we can no longer be so sure that our privacy is secure. Recently Google has admitted their organisation holds user data indefinitely. This causes concerns as now we know Google has information on us that we do not want anyone to know about. We can simply blame this all on the big corporate ... Read article

Identity Theft Article - A Phisher Is Trying To Steal Your Identity!

(Submited by: Lisa Smith)

Identity Theft Article A Phisher Is Trying To Steal Your Identity! Sooner or later everyone with an email account will receive a phishing attempt from some internet scammer. What is phishing? How can you protect yourself? These are some of the questions this identity theft article will provide, along with some free resources and practical advice on how to protect your online identity. The Anti-Phishing Working Group estimates that 75 million to 150 million phishing ... Read article

Spyware is not like a nosy neighbor...

(Submited by: Daviyd Peterson)

Remember the television show about the nosy neighbor Mrs. Kravitz always peeking out her window or over the fence, sometimes even knocking on the door just to find out what was going on in her neighborhood? If you don't wait a month or so and the DVD or the movie will be out. Let's move on. Spyware is not anything like Mrs. Kravitz, it won't knock on the door and ask permission to be downloaded to your computer and look at your personal files. It will ... Read article

Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

(Submited by: Scott Hawksworth)

Millions of Americans use credit cards, take out money from savings and checking accounts, write checks, and open new bank accounts everyday. By completing these everyday tasks, many Americans put themselves at risk for identity theft. However, there are many steps that one can take to protect oneself from being an identity theft victim. In addition, knowing how an identity thief gets his or her information will allow a person to be safer. How Do Thieves Get Their Information? ... Read article

Arm Yourself Against the Snoops With Spyware Counterintelligence

(Submited by: Heather Wallace)

Spyware is the cyber-equivalent of a peeping Tom. No one would think of sitting by while someone hide in the bushes watching their every move, so why do so many allow spyware snoops to moniter them online? In some cases the answer is simple. They may not even know that they are being watched. Spyware comes in all shapes and sizes. It can simply be annoying or it can be downright dangerous. The more worrisome varieties of spyware can: 1. Slow down your system 2. ... Read article

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